I find myself practicing a lot of patience today. It seems no matter what I am doing, I am telling myself to take a breath before reacting. I am seem to be on a constant path of hurry up and wait, and the Universe, I am sure, is testing my patience.
It's a lesson I taught myself seven years ago, and something I struggle with and practice every day. Breathe...and react. Breathe... process...react. Breathe...count to three...respond. This is not easy for an Aries. It's very much like asking the bull in the china shop to tip toe through the fragile section, or shushing a three year old at the circus. After seven years, I like to think I am becoming well practiced.
I can hear the lego downstairs being rifled through... it sounds like jet engines beside my head right now. New songs are being tested on an ipod. The tv downstairs is blaring, competing with the surrounding noise. I have a lab pacing at my feet, and a cat shaking his collar at the door. "Seriously?", I sigh out.
And then, right at the end of the rope... I got this link on an email from a very close friend, and it said "it reminded me of you". I tied a knot at the end of that rope, and just hung on.
(so unbelievably grateful that I live in Alberta)
Sometimes, a reminder is part of the practice. I am grateful for reminders. I took a moment, stepped outside under the dark, moonless sky. The stars were promising moments of light, and there, in front of me, even tangible, I could see my breath. Patience restored. Just breathe.
I know this so well...