Sometimes I find this place, this blog project, to be a recirculating vat of everything I know, interrupted occasionally by moments of realization and brilliance. It has become a place of camaraderie, a place of emotion, a place of expression, and I am very grateful for it. I am also grateful for the moments. The moments of realization that come streaming through my finger tips, the sight of something on the screen that I didn't expect or know was me in me. I love the gift of looking back on what I have written, or expressed and thinking to myself
"wow, that came from me, it's brilliant" and being proud.
I had initially started the project to find the gratitude in everyday things. The sunshine, the roses, the day to day, first world luxuries we all take for granted. But the more I work with it, the more I mold this into a place, not only for gratitude, but for healing. I began to feel trapped in the everyday, and slighted by repetitive thanks for simply being alive (never ungrateful for it, but really, how many times can you say it?).
This blog has turned into a winery of personality, vats lining the isles of my mind. Sometimes it's sweet, sometimes it's sour, even a little bitter some days, but none the less, it's offered up for a tasting. And for those of you who wander the vineyards - I raise my glass to you.
Every single day of my life I am grateful for the day given to me to live. I am grateful for my family, and my health, and what surrounds me. And some days, I am just grateful for simplicity and a break from the technological world we live in, and grateful for quiet, and for making the decision to write nothing at all. I have gratitude for a good cup of tea, and for visits, for friends, and for love. I would say "aren't we all", but I have become vastly aware, that no, we are not all grateful for our day to day lives. More people need to be.
For this project that has offered me the greatest outlet of expression of who I am, and who I strive to be; for the opportunity to share that part of myself with anyone who cares to know it, or read it, or walk with me in my journey, I am grateful. Lastly, today, I am grateful to myself, for the effort.
Much love friends....Cheers.