Saturday, February 18, 2012

Time to Rest

I spent my day planning future things to do.  Crafts, cooking, gardening.  That's all I could do - plan.  It was a day on the couch, and now an early night in bed, wishing everyone else didn't have so much energy to be as loud as they are.  

Being ill is painful.  I have never been one to sit when there are things to be done.  I really despise it.  

I am grateful to have a warm bed in which I am currently wallowing in self pity, loathing this sick virus that has invaded me.  I am grateful for naps, and time to plan, and time to rest.  

I am grateful for my loving, wonderful daughter who rubs my shoulders and cuddles with me - I don't even have to whine...much.

Good night friends, tomorrow is another day.

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