Saturday, April 7, 2012


It tends to happen that full moons roll around, and it's like someone put my emotions in the kitchen ninja.  My brain becomes over full, I tend to over think everything.  I even have a hard time writing.

Tonight, I have been sitting here, staring at a blank screen for over an hour - with a thousand thoughts floating around me, and no blinders in sight to narrow down my thoughts.  I have said before, it's not like I have no gratitude in my day, it's just that on days like today, it's like trying to find a cloud's silver lining in the fog.

Here's the thing... I feel like I miss someone, but I'm not really sure I do.  But if I do, who? Or do I know?  I feel like I am missing the point, but I have no idea what the conversation is.  I have reminders of things I didn't know I forgot, and I have messages I read that were left when I was completely available.  No, none of it makes sense.  Understand?


It's funny the voices that come out through the fog, and hold promise of a clear sky.  They don't even know what they said, but I am grateful that I heard.

(photo by Harold Davis)

Clear like fog, right?  I know all about it.  Or do I?

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