Monday, November 5, 2012

Too Close

Yesterday, I was one second and literally inches away from a very serious car accident.  I actually cringed as I watched, almost in slow motion, a truck stop inches from my drivers side door, sure I was about to be in the most pain I had ever felt in my life.  It was a surreal moment.  The world slowed, and my reaction doubled.

You see, as I watched it all, somehow, my body knew to put my foot to the floor, pressing the gas pedal to get me out of the way.  It was like dodging a bullet in The Matrix.  I could see every second of all three that could have changed my life.  One more second... it makes the hair on my body stand on end, my temperature cools, and my thoughts flash.

I went to bed last night giving gratitude to God for being alive, for being unscathed, for being, for no fathomable reason - out of the way.  I woke up this morning, still giving gratitude for waking up in my bed.  I was grateful to put on my clothes, to wake up children, to make my breakfast and to venture out again this morning.  I spent countless moments in appreciation.

For every angel that got me out of the way; for every guardian that wrapped it's arms around me, for every essence of Creator that held that moment - the utmost gratitude seethes out of my being.

In thinking of it all, something else became quite clear to me...I am meant for something still to come.  There are important things I have left to do that are going to change lives.

I am a huge believer in the theory "when it's your time, it's your time".  It's not my time.  I am far from done.  Creator held a moment.  I will not take that for granted.  Ever.

With a life filled with gratitude...

And love.

p.s... Gram - I know you were there.  Thank you.

1 comment:

  1. Halfway through your first sentence, my heart stopped and twisted on itself. And in that one second, I was reminded how much I heart you. What a beautiful, powerful post. Thank god you are okay.
