Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Passing On A Gift

The end of the school year is very near.  It's the last time I will have a little one in elementary school.  I'm very sure, just like the last day of every year before it, I will shed tears, as another school year has gone by.  When my kids ended their first year in school, my kids and I did year end projects for the teachers.  They painted flower pots, and planted seeds, and I wrote a little story, put a favorite picture of my child on it, printed it on scrolls, and sent it along with the newly planted seeds.  I have used this project for a few teachers, and as elementary school passes, I realized, I won't be using it again.

And so, I am going to offer it up to you, or anyone else out there that might be touched by it, and would like to pass it along.  I was sad to see this project end, but grateful for the opportunity to pass it along.  I write so other's read it... and so it is.

For My Teacher At The End Of The Year

“It’s the end of the year”,
Mom said in my ear.
She smiled real soft
With a memory and tear.

To choose something dear
That you will hold quite near,
To remember my smile,
Well it took quite a while!

I remembered a story about a spirit one time,
That got her wings each time a bell chimed.
But there was no point to buy you a bell,
You’re already an angel, from heaven you fell.

I sought out a book for people I treasure,
But you are a gem, one girl beyond measure!
I glanced at some little knick knacks of sorts,
I even passed an isle of fishing and sports.

But nothing there seemed just quite right,
So I thought real hard while I laid in bed at night,
Of all of the things I’ve learned through the year,
I came up with the perfect thing, and I cheered!

I took my idea right to my mom
And she smiled real big and said real calm
I’m so proud of you and what you will give
She’ll remember it always, as long as she lives.

Today, here I stand, with some dirt in a pot,
At first glance you might think that it seems not a lot.
But there’s a gift, something hidden you’ll see,
That grows with some love, just like the kids here and me.

You taught us patience, you’ll need that to wait,
To see these small seeds grow into something so great.
You’ll need to use senses to see and to smell
And each day that they change, there’s a story to tell.

You taught us to listen and say thank you and please,
 To have faith and ambition, to dream are the keys.
You taught us to read, to think and to write,
To open our hearts and showed us some light.

I thought I’d give back to you what you began in September,
A garden of seeds in your heart to remember.
So plant these dear flowers and watch as they grow,
And see our small faces in the wind when they blow.

You gave us a year to teach us in fun,
But so much more I have learned now that we’re done.
I can read, I can write I can soar live a dove,
And I learned it all with the gift of your love.

From the bottom of my heart, Thanks isn’t enough
To say how you touched us, it’s hard to be tough,
On this very last day, I’ll try not to cry,
I’ll love you always, miss you much, and good bye.

                                                                       (Jennifer Marcotte)

Copy it, print it, put it on pretty paper... bring it to life. Pass it on, I will be grateful.

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