Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Castles In The Sand

When I was younger, I would sit for hours and build castles in the sand.  I built worlds of Gods and set their planets to spin.  I let my hands mold the Earth into what I needed it to be.  What a simple lesson all too easily forgotten.

There is change brewing in the Universe.  I can feel it.  I can feel a shift - like the Earth moving. If I stand really still, I swear, I can feel the Earth spin.  Once again, I find myself on a path in this world I have built, standing at a cross roads, daring to take the path less traveled.

On days like today, I am grateful for foresight, and I am grateful for the hope it brings.  I believe that change, sometimes, is as good as a rest.  It never comes without challenge, they are like yin and yang, but it brings newness, forward movement and strength.  Change shapes our character, our souls, and our sight - both hind sight, and foresight.  Hind sight is 20/20, foresight is often blurry with lightened horizons.  So turn your face towards the sun, and let the shadows fall behind.  What will be will be.

I once read "if nothing ever changed, there would be no butterflies", and I believe that whole heatedly.  I know I am about to face the challenge of change.  I can feel it in every molecule of my being.  Maybe it's the new university program I have looked into, or the possibility of a new place to spend my days.  Maybe the change will be a difficult one, there is always so much going on in my life that I never discount it.  Whatever this change is that is nagging at my soul, it is sent with a purpose.

I will have the foresight to welcome change, and mold it like clay of the Earth, letting it run through my hands, breaking it apart until it is what I need it to be. I will not forget to build castles in the sand beneath my feet.

(1981...what a good year)

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