Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I Do Not Walk Alone

I have been challenged, of late, with forgiveness.  I have prided myself ,for a very long time in being a soul of forgiveness and peace.  I believe that negativity brings darkness, and darkness blocks out light.

I have some things to work on... I have caught myself hanging onto anger lately.  I have found myself holding the past in my hands and covering it with blame and and misplaced hostility.  Oh the twist of darkness.

I am grateful that I can recognize such darkness and consciously go into it in the mindset of finding light.  I am grateful for life lessons of past that let me transform energy into working kindness, and three fold return.  I am grateful for the strength in my soul that lets me face darkness, knowing I shall never face it alone, even when I feel weak, and abandoned.

It is not my place to hold anger.  I have made a promise to offer up my darkness to the light, and give it to God.

I do not walk alone. I do not walk alone.  I do not walk alone.

Time does not heal all wounds, but light may fill the spaces of the scars.

I will try to be better.

I do not walk alone.

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