I sit, tonight, beside my new Selenite lamp, I am filled with elated exhaustion. I am grateful for my friends, and for the time I get to spend to with them, even though sometimes it seems fleeting. I am grateful not only for my own friends, but for my mother's friend who brought her out the house today for a warm cup of tea that was much needed right to her core.
I am grateful for my wonderful Marianne who is sitting with me, still, tonight, sharing tea and stories and just occupying space together. I am grateful for her talent in constructing beautiful jewelry that allows me to carry the healing power of crystals around with me. I am just one very happy girl tonight.
I am so grateful for my friendships... and I wish one more were here, closer to me, as close as she is in my thoughts and my heart. I thought a lot about Shelly today... I think I need to make a road trip...
Oh, now you are making me cry (in a good way!). Thank you, my dear friend. Sometimes I just can't believe all the gifts that have arisen from the 'horrible-ness'. xoxo.