Thursday, November 3, 2011

Hold the Earth

All day I looked forward to Yoga tonight - a chance for me to be quiet, and just take some time to refocus on me.  It's week two now that I have been going after a conscious decision to remember that I matter too.

As a mother, as a wife, as a daughter, as a friend - I give of myself.  How often do we give back to ourselves? How often do we replenish the energy we have shared or given out?  How often do we remember ourselves?  Shelly's post today made me sit and think for a while.  Her Gratitude post was all about remembering to love herself, and writing herself a love note to remember that she matters, and is worth the most abundant love - her own.  It was a powerful reminder.

I have been through a roller coaster week of emotion, and I think I looked forward to tonight's yoga class because my energy level was on empty.  I expected tonight to hear the instruction of poses, and the reminders to breathe... but tonight, something else stuck out in my head, new words seemed louder than the rest.  "Put your palms down, hold the Earth, feel it ground you."  I remembered to be part of the Earth, and be grounded. Let the Earth swallow up my worries and overflowed emotion, and just be part of the Earth.

"Go ahead," that voice told me, "just go ahead and just be part of the Earth, right here, for this moment, just let nothing else matter for the next 30 seconds."  The 30 seconds after that was even easier.  I could hear Shelly's words in my head... "I love, love, love you", her love letter to herself, like a song in my breath.

Go ahead, just be... and be grateful for yourself.  Stand in the warrior pose when you need to, but hold the Earth  when you can, and just let it ground you.  Be grateful there is always abundant Earth to hold onto, and it's willing to hold your tears, burdens and troubles in return.

Hmmm... Even the Earth cracks open once in a while...

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I truly love this post, especially the holding on to the Earth and grounding, and cracking open. I read through this three times. xoxo.
