Monday, May 7, 2012

Young and Restless

There is an article I read today in Alberta Venture magazine.  The article was titled "The Young and Restless".  It sums up the career slump I am in nicely.  It does so for others I know that are frustrated in their job that is simply a paycheck, where no one really cares if you care.  Some of us are ingrained with caring.

"...they are looking for something more meaningful. They really want to feel engaged at work.  They want to feel valued. ...this is a generation that's looking to do more than punch a clock.  More than anything, this is a generation that wants to feel that what they do contributes to something."


Wouldn't it be nice if those of us that genuinely care about how we spend our days, about the integrity of our work, about what we put in and what we get out, had a big flashing neon sign above our heads so those rare employers that seek us could pick us out and welcome us with open arms?

I am ingrained with the value of caring.  It was why I loved a profession in service for so many years, and, ideally made me one of the best in my field.  It is also my down fall in a career where I care more than the company I work for.  When I feel like I am failing to make a difference in the world, my satisfaction level hits the floor, and I must change my surroundings - chose a different situation.

It's time for some choices to made, and I am grateful for the passion I hold for making a difference, the desire to seek the right place for me to be, and for the realization that my life, my days, must be about more than simply punching the clock and collecting a paycheck.

I will have a place where smiles reign, and where my heart makes a difference, and I will dedicate myself to it.  It's coming... I can feel it in my soul.

P.s... if someone could share this with 'just-the-right-person', I would be grateful for you too. :)

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