Monday, July 2, 2012

A Little Consideration Please

So I'm sitting here tonight, with nothing really significant willing to be written, or not yet, I should say, when I suddenly realized how grateful I am for a lesson my parents taught me.  Consideration for those around you.

In a nutshell, it means consider who is occupying the same space, the same listening area, the same quiet time, the same clean air, the same sights.  Put yourself in their place.  If you were trying to sleep, would you appreciate a blaring television?  If you are a non smoker, would you appreciate being forced to smell it?  If slamming doors and stomping created anxiety within your otherwise peaceful being would you slam, stomp, speak in a tone above a normal indoor voice?

I am acutely aware, always, of the people around me.  I am grateful for the lesson in consideration, and grateful to force it into those around me... even if it takes my whole life.  *sigh*

Eeyore figured it out...

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