Monday, September 17, 2012

The Bench

In the Jasper Townsite, they have benches.  The benches are everywhere.  They line the streets, they are in walk ways, in the park.

I have decided this:  They are for regaining strength.

Sounds simple, doesn't it.  But it's much more than you may think.

You see, last year, at a very stressful time, my dear friend, Tanya and I took a day trip to Jasper to get away.  In that day, we sat.  We sat on one bench.  For three hours.  Un'Amica Stretta.

Three.  Hours.  Just sat.  Talked, people watched.  Melted stress.  Regained strength.  

So this year, we took our kids to Jasper.  We wandered the town, in and out of stores, laughing and chatting in a big group.  And every time we passed by, Tanya and I would say "there's our bench".  

Our kids were very confused.  We tried to explain to them what just sitting on these benches does for your soul, but, really, for a kid, "you just sat?  For hours?  Whyyyyyy? How boring!"

So, last night, at the end our trip, and our last hike, I took my kids back into the Jasper Townsite.  We went to Scoops, had ice cream, and sat on a bench.  We talked about our favorite things.  We wondered about the people sharing our space that moment in the park.  We watched people walk by in wonder at the beauty.  We guessed ages of buildings and what they might have been once.  We renewed our souls.  We regained our strength.  

We stood up from our bench, ready to head home, and my kids said "Mom, I totally get the bench."

Grateful.  No more words. 

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