Saturday, February 18, 2012

Back to Reality

Another Friday night passed with a missed blog post.... I know someone once said "it will be 365 days, maybe just not in a row..."  True story.  I mean really, it's not like I am going to get a bad grade because I didn't hand in my homework.

I have been thinking a lot lately about technology and what it does to our lives.  And in that thought, I am waivering on purposely limiting the amount of it in my life.  Spring is peeking out from the closet, and summer will be right behind it - and there will be much more time outside.  I am already experiencing the want to be outside, or building something, or doing something other than TV, or computer etc.  I am grateful for the want to have less technology and more connection with real life.  

Yes it's true... it will be 365 days, maybe just not in a row.  

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