Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Winter Solstice

I came across a prayer this morning that means so much to me.  As I read it, I found so many relations to the people in my life right now, experiences, lessons, and changing times. It tells us that we all have winter in our lives, a chill and darkness that makes us yearn for days that have gone or put our hope in days yet to be.  Winter is a time where the Earth turns cold and bare as nature takes stock, rests, unwinds, and sleeps until the time is right.

This prayer reminds us we need a time of winter in our lives.  A time of rest, a time to stand still.  A time to reacquaint ourselves with the faith in which we live and breathe,  It is only then that we can draw strength from the one in whom we are rooted, take time to grow and rise through the darkness into the warm glow of springtime, to blossom and flourish, bring color and vitality back into our worlds, and into our gardens.

I have always found times of quiet to be magical.  There are things that can be heard in the silence that can change everything.  I wish you all a magical time of quiet on this Solstice day.  Take time for yourselves to unwind and rest, and look towards a flourishing time ahead.  Take this day to be grateful for the year that has past, the quiet blanket of peace that has tucked our Earth in to rest, and draw strength from a time of darkness.  From here, the days will lighten, the sun will burn longer, and set fire to our quiet time of rest.

Solstice offers up the sparkle of snowflakes on trees, settled snow covered Earth where newly traveled paths have diverged.  It shows us ice crystalled breath in cool air, reminding us to breathe.  Burning sun rises crest in a dark sky, reminding us there will always be light despite the darkness.

Let this Solstice be your time of celebration.  Celebrate what has gone and what lies ahead of you.  Celebrate what you have become, and who you will be this time next year.  I wish you magic today, my friends.  I wish you peace, and light, and most of all, the Earth's love.

Cold and Dark, this time of year
The Earth lies dormant, awaiting the return of the sun,
And with it Life.
Far beneath the frozen surface, a heartbeat waits until the moment is right
To Spring. 

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