Monday, November 14, 2011

Attitude of Gratitude

Here's what I think... my attitude lately sucks.  Let's not pretty it up, or wrap it up with a bow.  It's just not as good as it should be.  Here I am, writing a blog about things I am grateful for and lacing it with pessimistic undertones.  My goodness!  To anyone who reads along, my apologies.  I suppose that everyone gets in a funk, and seems to slip from a joyful place time to time, and well, that's life.  Everyone is entitled to days of reality and emotion, but I am a firm believer in choices.  If you don't like something, change it.  If you don't like something, maybe it's time to take a long, hard look at the aspect of your life you are not happy with and start asking some serious questions.  Why? Can it be better?  If so, how? Is it something that needs to change?  Is it really worth the energy that it takes to be unhappy about it?

Today, in full realization of my own funky-fi-doo of late, it's time to refresh my attitude back to one of gratitude.  It's time shift my focus from negative to finding challenges and inspiration and making changes that I need.

*in a little note of self therapy, I really do find this blog insanely theraputic.  I have stunning realizations every single time I write something.  I often think "well geez, why didn't I see that before?"  The answer is - because it was a thought, and when I write it down, it becomes a tangible being that I can work with.  When you are faced with something swirling in your head that just can't seem to keep grounded, write it down, and take a good look at what's on the paper.  My guess is, you might surprise yourself.  

I am grateful for these moments of therapy, and for the opportunities it grants me.  This is my life, and I intend to live it with a smile.  I will learn, I will move forward, and I'm going to sing loudly and I don't even care if you hear me.  I will make choices that make me smile, and I am going to stop the fear that has been stopping me.  I am... and I believe.

I Believe... 
Wow it's been a long time since I have spent some time listening to kids yelling at the top of their lungs while standing on their desks... "I Believe..In Me!".
Seriously...the therapy...
How did the exclamation mark become a question mark for me?
I stopped preachin' to the choir.  Even those who sing the loudest need a reminder sometimes. 

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