Tuesday, November 15, 2011

I Will Have My Cake & Eat It Too

All around me today, people had a bad day.  I, on the other hand, had a great day.  I found $1.50 in the parking lot, I had English Toffee coffee after lunch, I got an email from a friend that made me smile, a text conversation that made me laugh out loud with no one else around, and then, I won a cake.  Oh, no, my friends, it doesn't end there!  I came home, and not only did my son remember both his agenda and his homework, he was at the table, almost done it when I got home from work.  My daughter did a load of laundry, put away all the folded towels, and dusted my living room.  

I am sitting now, watching a ridiculously hilarious show in my living room, with my lab asleep at my feet.  All around me is the soft flicker of candle light, and the peace of home.  I not only won a cake today, but I had my proverbial cake and ate it too.  This was a great day.  

I said last night the wind always has an agenda.  I think it's agenda was to sweep in a reminder.  What you put out there comes back three fold.  Attitude of Gratitude = ding dong nurse Betty, lets have cake!  I'm not even going to narrow down what I am grateful for, I am just going to wallow in  pool of blessings...swim in it 'till my fingers get all pruny even.  

(this is a cake from Blakes Cakes - from whom I won the cake... mmmm I love cake!)

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